Expert General Dentistry in West Austin, TX

Routine Checkups and Preventative Care
Bi-Annual Dental Cleanings – Our skilled dental hygienists thoroughly clean the teeth and gums to remove plaque and tartar buildup.
Digital X-Rays – Digital X-rays allow our dentists to provide comprehensive, efficient, and safe dental care for our patients.
Limited / Comprehensive Exams – These problem-focused evaluations address a specific issue or area of concern to diagnose the cause.
Periodontal Gum Therapy – This specialized treatment combats gum disease in its various stages through deep cleaning procedures.
Oral Cancer Screenings – Our dentists perform a thorough examination of the entire oral cavity to check for signs of cancer or precancerous conditions.
Fillings – This standard dental treatment helps restore the form and function of a tooth damaged by decay or fracture.
Personalized Treatment Plans for Every Patient